Rhizome Network’s project sponsor - CSIRO - is seeking innovations that will lead to improved processing techniques, resulting in higher concentrations of Nickel and lower carbon emissions, for nickel laterite ore.
About this Challenge
Most of the world’s nickel reserves are contained in laterite ores. Ni laterite ores have low nickel content (1-2%) and complex mineralogy which impacts their ability to be processed economically.
Innovators are eligible to earn a $10,000 AUD payment for each selected solution to this challenge. Two selection awards will be made.

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is Australia's leading science and research organisation. CSIRO solves the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology. This project is part of CSIRO's Critical Energy Metals mission.
Solution Submission Dates:
This project is open through November 30, 2021.
Areas for Innovation
The following areas would benefit from new solutions:
I. Pre-Concentration / Improved Beneficiation of Ni Laterite Ores
II. Methods for Pre-Treating Nickel Laterite Ores
III. Better Processing Methods
How to Apply:
Applying is easy. Just click the 'Apply Now' button at the top of the page.
Tell us your name, email, and give us a link to your LinkedIn profile. We will send you confidential information on the challenge, including solution templates and other materials.
Already a Rhizome Network Member?
Send us an email: hello@RhizomeNetwork.com requesting the link to the confidential RFI and documents.